Monday, July 13, 2009

Gods Too Decompose Week 2 Post 5

The video was a bit strange, but powerful.  The quote at the beginning stuck with me the whole time.  It is a good excuse, and one that absolves him of any blame.  God is dead, but the reality is, did he ever live?  Was he ever there in the first place to die?  Or does he simply live through our minds and hearts, and cease to exist but as a spiritual manifestation we create?


            One thing I have trouble considering is, how exactly did we kill him?  Did our need for him die off when we became more compelled to learn for ourselves how life operates, and that is what in turn killed him?  Would that consequently mean that heaven and hell no longer operate and function, or just cease to exist altogether?  Maybe we mutually abandoned each other, seeing as though the relationship didn't really go anywhere.  God existed to help humanity through times where it could not depend on itself for all things.


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