Monday, July 13, 2009

EXPERT LECTURE: 1) Professor Owen Gingerich WEek 2 Post 1

Gingerich makes some interesting points about how the universe could have been created with a purpose and by gods or God.  The more the conversation seems to continue, though, it seems like not only is it unknowable whether or not God did create everything, but also what the point of arguing about it would be.  Because even if there are alternate universes, or dimensions, with different laws, atoms, molecules and what not, who is to say that God didn't create those as well?  Just the argument that everything was created at random is kind of ridiculous because not only is it unprovable, but it really doesn't mean anything. 


            The problem of evil seems like another strange question, but this one is more interesting.  Every time I think about how God could create a world with evil in it I think of what an ant would think of a person.  To an ant, a human might seem like an all powerful, all knowing, god who can control everything.  But of course, people are not like that.  It may very well be the same in the relationship between us and God; to us, he may seem like an omni-potent being, but in reality he is just really, really, powerful, but not all powerful, and can't stop all the evil in the universe.  

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