Monday, July 13, 2009

Huxley WEek 1 Post 1

When I first got started on this video I wasnt to sure it would be very relevant to the present time we live in today.  However, that all changed when Aldous Huxley answered Mike Wallace's question “what are the enemies to our freedom in the US?” He said there are two impersonal forces that are lessening the freedom of people on our planet. One is overpopulation, when there are more people in a certain area, people have to co exist in a different manner which lessens their freedom. People  cannot assume the same liberties they once enjoyed with lesser of a population because there is less of it to go around for everyone. The second is, according to Huxley, overorganization. As technology becomes more complicated it becomes necessary to have more and more elaborate organizations, and more hierchal organizations.


            Huxley also spoke of different devices that can be, and are, used for lessening freedom. One of the devices he spoke of was propaganda.  Used through tools such as Televisions, radios, billboards, movies, or anything the public will view often, it can, in a big way, effect the decision making of the majority by getting them into something they, more often then not, wouldn't have gotten into otherwise. Going back to overorganization for a second, Huxley also spoke of breaking down power into smaller groups so that one particular individual couldn't be burdened with all the power. Case in point; the three branches of governement in the US, The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.


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