Monday, July 13, 2009

Edward O. Wilson Interview Week 3 Post 1

"Mysterians" seem like the lazy man's idea of the mind; almost like they kind of just give up and say, "well, the mind is just something we'll never be able to examine empirically."  Which, if anyone looks at the articles coming out in science magazines today, is obviously not true.  As for what Wilson suggests is our conscience, as in a "little world", I do believe that has some merit, because we (sometimes literally) recreate what we sense in the environment in our brains, and seems to create a small area that is our life.  This also makes it quite subjective. 


            I agree with him however, that religion and science will come to be closely related, if not completely intertwined.  Many atheists and agnostics seem to chose science to be their religion.  It seems strange to me, though, that Wilson would be offended by some kind of physical entity that would create everything, being God.    In the traditional physiological sense, I would find this absurd as well, except in my wildest imagination.  However if there were such a being, it is quite possible, just as we are beginning to barely comprehend how our brains work, exist in conditions we may not fathom for a long time, if ever.


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