Monday, July 13, 2009

Francis Fukuyama Week 1 Post 2

The interview with Francis Fukuyama was very interesting because I think all people think about  this topic at some point in there lives. What will the future be like? How did I get here in the first place? From the beginning point of time, how did things evolve to the way it is now? Are all questions that came to mind. All theological societies as well as science points to there being a beginning point to creation. Which is not to say that God was the creator, but it is a definite possibility.  Why do we have feelings? How do we almost universally know right from wrong? There isnt enough hard facts to make a definite decision but I think that all of our emotions and our emotional responses are there because of evolution.  Evolutionary psychology.


            I agree with Fukuyama when he says the idea that creation came about through the big bang, and how it immediately raises the question what existed prior to the big bang? All theological study's point to a beginning as does physics. That leads to conclusion of a devine creator. I also like what he said about how this also leads to the question about human uniqueness and human dignity. Fukuyama comes to the conlcusion that its hard to know why we have things like emotion and emotional responses, but also that Darwinism, Modern Science or any of the other scientific disciplines have yet to completely mystify the possibility that it maybe something more then just evolution that leads us to our present state of being, complete with all our emotions and understandings between right and wrong.  I personally believe that there is a God, but I believe that evolution has given us things like fight or flight response. Compassion is something that, I think, evolved in human beings over time.


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